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Family Wellness Series - Parents


Updated: Jun 3, 2021

The benefits of seeking chiropractic and massage care as a parent

Author: Meagan Roback, RMT

Being a parent in this day and age is tough. You are ensuring your children’s academic, emotional, intellectual, mental, physical, nutritional, spiritual and social needs are met, while also dealing with your own challenges. At the same time, making sure not to improperly medicate, neglect or overstimulate - with screen time or other means besides - all while building a home that’s socially conscious, nurturing but also fostering independence. And ensuring they are properly nourished with allergy-free, nonGMO and organic food, as well as being plastic-free and environmentally conscious.

No wonder many are living in a state of stress, shame and guilt over how they parent their children. On top of all that, many are not only dealing with their own health concerns, but also for their children and aging parents. Seeking chiropractic and massage care can be a positive step to help alleviate and prevent health conditions that do pop up from time to time whilst dealing with the chaos of life and one’s career.

Health Benefits of Chiropractic and Massage Care

There are many modalities of massage practiced all over the world. Each practitioner is going to have their own unique style. Massage can help remove any connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. It releases and relaxes deep layers of muscles as well, depending on the pressure. It also helps improve circulation and induce and overall state of physical and mental relaxation.

Various parts of the body can also be focused upon, whether alleviating an injury or stimulating or improving the whole body, like releasing the restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system during a cranial sacral massage.

Lymphatic drainage has a detoxification effect on the body's tissues. Working with the lymphatic system can be used to effectively treat a variety of different conditions where lymph flow may be compromised.

​Many parents are also quite active so sports massage is beneficial for those looking to improve performance and prevent or treat injuries.

Chiropractic care helps at any stage of human development and/or degeneration, and in many ways: headaches and migraines, whiplash, digestion, pre and post surgical care, joint dysfunction, arthritis, strains and sprains (including repetitive strain injury), limited range of motion in any area of the body, work and sports injuries and performance enhancement, and general health and well-being.

Chiropractors assess through a comprehensive health history, orthopedic tests and x-rays then discuss a schedule of care for each individual’s specific circumstances. For some people chiropractic treatment is like a regular tune-up, to help deal with the daily wear and tear of life. For others, it’s an effective treatment option when pain or discomfort strikes.

Consider Investing in Custom Orthotics

Another great tool to consider are custom orthotics. They can be used to treat such conditions as plantar fasciitis. They can relieve pain, improve skeletal alignment or improve the function of your foot and lower limbs. Orthotics can also improve athletic and occupational performance by realigning poor alignment and reducing excess strain on the feet and lower legs.

Invest in Yourself to Recharge and Live Your Healthiest Life

The ultimate goal for many is to live a vital and healthy life. It’s possible to move through the stages of care with complementary modalities like massage, chiropractic care, naturopathic medicine and even energy healing like Reiki. Going from relief/crisis care, to corrective care, to strengthening and stability care, to maintenance and then blissfully living in the stage of wellness care, where it’s all about expanding your goals with the focus on your future health you wish to achieve - from being able to walk up a flight of stairs, to playing and keeping up with the grandkids.

Whether it is to seek prevention, relaxation or treating a specific condition, the important step is actually taking the time to seek care in this hectic world. Recognizing that there are complementary modalities that can help is really up to those that take the initiative to talk with their health care professional and others that have experienced the benefits, and making the choice to seek care for themselves.

It’s about what works for the person seeking the care and how it benefits their life, as well as the trickling effect it has on other areas of their life. In the end, take one step at a time, incrementally working towards optimal health and healing from within.

Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content provided is for informational purposes only. Use of the content provided on this blog post is at your sole discretion.


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