My Infinity Chiro
Providing high quality care for those seeking to obtain optimal health.
Virtual Pilates (Private session)
Classical Pilates was created in the 1920s by Joseph Pilates, a German-born soldier who created a rehabilitation practice to help him and other soldiers get back to work after injury. Joseph created his new approach to movement, exercise and body-conditioning to re-establish functional mobility and strength. His classical method is practiced with an imprinted spine which lengthens the lower back towards the mat during most exercises.
The Stott Pilates method was created in 1988 by Moira Stott (Merrithew) and Lindsay Merrithew as a contemporary sequence-based version of the Classical Pilates. Stott focused more on preserving the natural neutral curves of the spine by strengthening the core and re-balancing all the surrounding muscles, fascia, ligaments, and joints. It still adheres to the major principles of Classical Pilates but focuses more on restoring the natural curves of the spine and restoring balance in a stress-free neutral postural alignment.
The major difference between the Stott and the Joseph Pilates' method is the approach to postural alignment. While the classical method utilizes an imprinted spine, or flat back, during most exercises, the Stott method progresses to strengthening a neutral spine and maintaining the natural curvature of the back. The result is a body that is balanced, aligned, looks fit, feels revitalized, and moves with ease!
**We all want to live pain-free. Pilates can help!! If you want a safe, intelligent exercise that can release sore stiff muscles, relieve aching joints, improve circulation, reduce inflammation, improve posture, performance, strength, flexibility, and endurance without risking injury or building bulk, Stott Pilates might be perfect for you! Come to class and restore your inner strength and vitality!! You will never see your posture in the same way again!!
Possible benefits of pilates
This stress-relieving method of exercise restores the body to the safest most shock-absorbing position to live in, neutral! The goal is pain-free living and the focus is on breath facilitated movements to safely release, lengthen, and/or strengthen your muscles, joints, fascia and tendons. Those who routinely practice Pilates benefit from:
*improved posture with longer leaner muscles
*core strength and stability
*better mobility, flexibility and endurance,
*improved balance and coordination
*some relief from stress and pain,
*improved kin-aesthetic awareness to help prevent injures.
*restoring and preserving natural anatomical alignment
*safe exercises that deliver optimal strength without adding bulk
Due to the progressive levels of the Stott exercises Pilates can be used by a wide range of people including those looking for a safe and effective post-rehabilitation treatment, by those hoping to enhance their athletic performance, and has options for every other level in-between! This is a intelligent mind-body exercise that produces amazing results and can increase the self-confidence of those who practice.
Pilates Beginner
Known as an “intelligent exercise that is safe and effective“ this beginner Stott Pilates class teaches students how their bodies function with five basic principles - breathing, pelvic placement, rib cage placement, shoulder movement and stabilization and head and cervical placement. When used correctly these principles strengthen the core, protect the spine and realign the body to a neutral, safe, shock absorbing position to live in. This class is designed to help students understand how their muscles work inside and out.
Intermediate Pilates
Take your core work to the next level. Muscular imbalances can’t hide in this class, the Pilates exercises find them and help to correct them. Building on the foundation of the basic principles learned in the beginner class in this level the exercises are harder and the pace is faster so some Stott Pilates experience is required. A sharpened mind/body connection and improved movement coordination are just some of the benefits the Intermediate Stott Pilates repertoire have to offer.
Equipment for Pilates:
-Pilates mats (thicker then yoga)
-head pads (if possible)
-Could use any small equipment you have at home: weights, balls, bands, foam rollers, etc.. or simply just you and your carpet!!
Initial private consultation and session (80 minutes)
Your initial consultation for Pilates is for clients who have not yet seen one of our Pilates Practitioners for a private session.
Our team is here to help you get to where you want to be. We strive to help you on your path to healing and wellness. When we sit down with you for your first consultation, we want to hear all details, tiny or large, in order to create a powerful start and focused direction to your care. Ultimately, our goal is to help you improve your daily life.
For this consultation we will discuss
* Your reasons for choosing Pilates as part of your wellness program
* What you hope to get out of your Pilates experience
* Previous Pilates experience
* Previous body movement experience
* Injuries or restrictions in movement
* Previous experience with online classes
* Answer any questions you may have
Your first visit
* Sessions begin promptly at their scheduled start times
* Please have your space set up and ready for the start of your session if possible
* As a courtesy to your Practitioner and others wishing to book appointments, we ask 24 hours notice for cancellation of booked appointments
* Please complete your intake form prior to arriving for your initial visit. A secure link is sent to your email with your appointment confirmation email.
Some questions that may be asked include:
* Previous pilates experience
* Health history as it pertains to Pilates movement
* Expectations and goals for your Pilates sessions
* Job and lifestyle to determine postural tendencies
Your Practitioner will review your history form with you and ask any further questions that would be a benefit to facilitating a healing plan for your individual needs.
Preparing for your session
Prepare for your online session in the same way that you would prepare for an in-person class!
* Have your space safe and clean,
* Set up your mat and any other equipment
* Wear comfortable clothes that you can move, stretch, and or sweat in, and
* Stay hydrated! Drink water and bring water!
** Try to finish eating at least 30 minutes prior to the start of class.
During your session
During your online session please be prepared to tune in! This is your time to slow down and tune out the outside world and tune in to the wisdom of your own breath and body. As you’re guided through the Stott Pilates Repertoire try to listen carefully and move accordingly! You may notice things about your body that you’ve never noticed before!! Strengthen your mind-body connection paying particular attention to your natural muscular pathways and the quality of your movements.
After your session
Please remember to hydrate after your session. Information travels from body to brain and brain to body through the water in the body. If we want to move gracefully we must keep it hydrated!
You may be offered “body movement homework” to practice between sessions. Homework could be based on movement patterns you and your Practitioner discovered during the class and is meant to help you strengthen your mind/body awareness and to start to develop strategies to restore neutral alignment whenever possible.
Pilates is a workout no matter what level you’re in. Workouts require muscle and muscles require food! Please ensure that you are eating well-balanced meals and snacks throughout your day. Food is mood!!
Fee schedule
Initial Consultation & Session (80 Minute Appointment) $100
60 Minutes Follow-up Session $70
Virtual Group Classes
8 week program $96 (plus HST)